Homeowner's Insurance - What's Covered and What's Not?

Homeowner’s Insurance-What’s covered and what’s not?

    Homeowner’s insurance covers a wide range of losses to your property.  Whether you are going to sell your house, rent the house, inherited a house, own a vacant house or just enjoying life in your house, you should keep up to date with your coverage.  But it may surprise you to find out what isn’t covered. You should know … Continued
3 Mistakes When Selling A House

3 Mistakes When Selling a House

Selling your house can be very intimidating. You may be getting ready to relocate or a loved one may just have passed away. You have enough on your mind, as it is. So, of course, tt’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed by all the details. Here are a few common mistakessellers make as they … Continued

3 Simple Steps to Sell My House Fast

How Do I Sell My House Fast? If you want to sell your house fast, there are 3 simple steps that you need to take to make sure that it happens.  Remember, I said simple.  So don’t overthink any of these, but do follow each of these steps. All Cash Offer First, make sure you … Continued

The 5 Costliest Repairs to Older Homes-Is it Time to Sell Your House?

In Los Angeles County, there are hundreds of homes that have passed the 100-year old mark.  Of course, with age comes costly home repairs.  Oftentimes, owners of older homes may not be prepared for the different types of damage that happen over time. The major areas of expensive repairs are: foundation termite roof plumbing electrical … Continued

6 Things Owners Shouldn’t Hide When Selling a House

  When you are selling your house, make sure to disclose the house’s condition to potential buyers.  Even if you need to sell a house fast, don’t hide it’s defects.  Not only is it the right thing to do, you are legally liable to disclose any known defects about your house.  So, if you currently have a … Continued

5 Online Ways I Find Good Contractors Near Me for Home Repairs

I’ve talked before about how hard it can be to find a good contractor for home repairs.  Let me correct that statement, finding GREAT contractors.  For people who know what I do, this is probably the most often asked question.  How do you find reasonable, reliable, and reputable contractors when you are remodeling a house?  Whether you … Continued

Being A Naughty or Nice Neighbor

We are getting a home ready to sell in Altadena. Living in Southern California, last week we all experienced the power of WIND! Wind speeds were alarmingly high, especially in Pasadena and the surrounding area. Blame it on the “Santa Ana Winds”. Hundreds of thousands of residences lost power and had minor or major tree … Continued

Real Estate Market – I Wish I Had Better News

I recently attended an annual real estate conference where I learn about the current state of the real estate market. I’m referring to Single Family Residences (or condos) in Southern California. What did I learn? Well, this weak real estate market is far from over. There are over 4 years of shadow inventory. Shadow inventory … Continued

Theft On The Rise In Vacant Houses

With the economy still depressed, and lots of vacant houses sitting unwatched, there has been a definite increase in theft and related vandalism. You would think there wouldn’t be much to steal from a vacant property, but this kind of theft can be really damaging. One example is copper wiring and copper pipes. Using simple … Continued

To Rent or to Sell Your Investment Property…

You are probably thinking that I am referring to whether you should keep your property, (i.e. rent it), or get rid of it by selling it. But actually, selling rental properties is an excellent way to generate more income while getting rid of the hassles and expenses associated with landlording and maintenance. Normally an article of this … Continued

Water Damage Repairs

Water Damage Repairs There are water damage repairs to be made at my rental condo in Panorama City. When I blog about what happens in real life, the goal is to help someone learn from my experience. And this blog is exactly that. There are two points to drive home. One, is to have the … Continued
rehabbing a house

6 Biggest Cost Issues in Rehabbing a House

What are the biggest cost issue in rehabbing a house? It’s a 50/50 toss-up between people who know what it costs to remodel a house to sell and those who “think” they know what it costs. Homeowners who are thinking of selling their house typically fall into the category of only “thinking” they know what is … Continued